Find out the details to know your plan - Tabschool Support

School Adminstrator

Find out the details to know your plan

Finding suitable plan for your child’s education is a tough job. People find it difficult to search the plan for any online course or study pack. Therefore, here you have the easy step to search for the course plan.

Step to search for online course plan on Tabschool:

Step1: Visit the website using the link

Step2: Login in to the Tabschool Account, Home screen will appear immediately.

The left side contains Menu bar, it has icons for different purpose.

Step 3: Click on the view plan, given in the menu bar.

You will find the Details about Monthly Payment and Annually Payment.

Step 4: Click on the download icon to download the PDF of the plan.

Using this step you can find out the course pan easily without any heavy brainstorming.


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