The school bag that you always wanted!

Books, Videos, Notes & your Classwork all in single app. Don't carry that heavy bag, just carry Tabschool.

Personalized Attention from teachers

Interactive classroom teaching via Classfeed
helps you to engage with content.

Create Notebooks & Notes

Create snippets & notes, save it on cloud
and access when you need it

Marketplace of Courses

Professional courses to preparation of competitive examinations,
everything is at your disposable in Tabschool.

Stay Organized with Task Manager

In-app task manager make sure that you
remain organized and on schedule

Performance Assessment

Real-time Analysis offer valuable insight into
the overall performance of a student.

Made with #LOVE in India

“We need to embrace technology to make
learning more engaging. Because when
students are engaged and they are interested,
that's where learning takes place.”